Sleeping Beauty for Halloween...
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Just in case you’ve been sitting home, waiting by your computer, thinking, “I wish I could have seen a REAL LIVE PRINCESS” on Halloween….we don’t want to disappoint. J
Here is our very own Sleeping Beauty. She was the perfect princess….and had SUCH a great time. This was the first year that she “got” Trick or Treating. And at every house, after she got her ‘treat’, she curtsied like a real princess, because that is how a princess says ‘Thank You”. Then she’d run back down the walk yelling “Have a Happy Halloween!!!” She had a blast…and a very heavy bucket when we got home. J Then we had a fun dinner, ate candy, gave treats to all of the “trick or treaters” and watched the Charlie Brown Halloween movie. Fun times!
So….here she is. For the record, she did turn back into a pumpkin this morning (sorry – mixed Princess metaphors) – and a grouchy one at that. J Hope you all had a great day too!