Every night before bed, Anna and Curtis and I (and now Zach) pile into her bed for prayers. We read a kids devotional that we have used for about 3 years now. Then we all say prayers together.
Over the years, our bedtime prayers have gone through many iterations. We started with the traditional "Now I lay me down to sleep..." (Although, we did opt for the less morbid version than the one that both of US grew up with; "If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take" is swapped for "Angels watch me through the night, And wake me with the morning light.") Then we did The Lord's Prayer for awhile.
Right now, we all take a turn saying a prayer with at least one thing we are thankful for that day. Anna always wants to say Zach's prayer for him. She prays, in this tiny little voice (which is what she thinks Zach would sound like if he could talk?) "Dear God, Thank you for such a great big sister!"
I asked her once, "Hey, isn't he thankful for his great Mommy and Daddy too?" She replied, "He might be, but that's not what he's praying for tonight." Funny girl... :)