More Anna-isims...

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We have been discussing with Anna that it is not OK to say 'Oh My God". Oh my "gosh" or "goodness" is OK, but not the other.

So, apparently she took it to heart. Tonight when we started bedtime prayers, she began, "Dear Gosh...."

Oops! Clarification is in order, I guess. As soon as we stop laughing.


Anna is getting over an ear infection, and has had some wax in her ear. She tells us when it is there, and if she needs help getting it out. So, today she and Curtis had the following conversation:

A: I have wack in my ear.
C" It's actually called 'wax'.
A: No it's not silly! It's wack.
C: No, sweetie. The stuff in your ears in called "WAX".
A: No Daddy. There is just one piece in there, so it is called wack. There isn't more than one piece. If there were more than one, THEN you'd call it wacks.

Damn....she's pretty good.