People are stupid.
6:49 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
This has been a long held belief of mine. :)
For example, if you were running a weather forecasting center, and you predicted that today's high would be, ohhhhh say, 79 degrees. And then the day's temperature actually climbed to nearly 90 degrees, would you continue to display your screw-up all day...or would you update your "High Temp" to correct the faux pas. They could program it to show the forecasted high, if it hasn't been exceeded...or the ACTUAL high if it has been. That CAN'T be that hard?!
Then again, I am the one who keeps making plans by the forecast that isn't smart enough to correct itself with real data, OR get the temperaure within 10 degrees of accuracy. Now who's stupid... hahaha
For example, if you were running a weather forecasting center, and you predicted that today's high would be, ohhhhh say, 79 degrees. And then the day's temperature actually climbed to nearly 90 degrees, would you continue to display your screw-up all day...or would you update your "High Temp" to correct the faux pas. They could program it to show the forecasted high, if it hasn't been exceeded...or the ACTUAL high if it has been. That CAN'T be that hard?!
Then again, I am the one who keeps making plans by the forecast that isn't smart enough to correct itself with real data, OR get the temperaure within 10 degrees of accuracy. Now who's stupid... hahaha

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