Happy Birthday To Me

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Both of my loves have kept me smiling all day today. I am so lucky, and blessed.

Curtis hid clues and notes all around the house for me today, with one leading to the next and times to open them. It's like having a whole day of smiles and warm fuzzies planned out for me. I married the most wonderful man in the world. He truly is one of a kind. (Which reminds me of an old 'line', which does not apply here - but still makes me laugh: "You know, when they made you, they broke the mold. Rumor has it they beat the hell out of the mold maker too.") But I digress....

Anna keeps hugging me and jumping on me and telling me "Happy HAPPY Birthday Mommy! I love you SO much! You're the best Mommy I could EVER ask for!" Just melts me... Then, to "Anna" it up, she has also told me:

"Mommy, since it is YOUR birthday today, you can make yourself ANY kind of birthday cake that you want!"

When I told her that Grandma and Alisa were bringing us ice cream sundaes for dessert instead, she said, "Oh. Well, I was hoping for brownies or cupcakes instead."