Be careful what you say...
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Anna had a field trip today, and I had the FUNNIEST conversation with one of the little girls that rode with us. Funniest EVER. Seriously.
So, we were talking about all the fun stuff they were going to get to do at the pumpkin patch: pick pumpkins, dig potatoes, milk a cow, etc. The following conversation ensued:
ME: So you guys get to milk a cow today!
GIRL: My mommy works for cows.
ME: Oh, you mean she works WITH cows?
GIRL: No, she works FOR cows.
ME: She works FOR cows?
GIRL: Yes. She always says the ladies she works for are a bunch of cows.
I think I deserve a commendation or some kind of medal for not driving off the road while in hysterical fits of laughter. Totally priceless.
So, we were talking about all the fun stuff they were going to get to do at the pumpkin patch: pick pumpkins, dig potatoes, milk a cow, etc. The following conversation ensued:
ME: So you guys get to milk a cow today!
GIRL: My mommy works for cows.
ME: Oh, you mean she works WITH cows?
GIRL: No, she works FOR cows.
ME: She works FOR cows?
GIRL: Yes. She always says the ladies she works for are a bunch of cows.
I think I deserve a commendation or some kind of medal for not driving off the road while in hysterical fits of laughter. Totally priceless.

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