Peni? Penises? I have never thought of it in plural I guess. Anyway...
Straight out of a silly email forward, similar to one I read this week, we had a "You Should Always Check Your Child's Homework" moment here yesterday. The funny thing is, even after having laughed at that email, I didn't catch it at first...Curtis did.
Anna's journal assignment was "If I had 100 pencils, I would...". They are supposed to use their journals to sound words out themselves, so we aren't supposed to help her spell. They can also try to 'find' the word they are spelling and copy it. Well, it turns out that the way her teacher wrote 'pencils' ran together a bit...

It caused a startling (at least to both of us) misspelling of "pencils" in her journal. I told her she should go show Daddy her journal, because he was in it, and I thought it was cute. I saw Curtis reading it, and his eyebrows went up (wayyy up). After looking at it, and looking at the assignment, I could see where the misunderstanding came from. I *did* make her fix it...but not before I snapped a picture.