Fall fun...

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We're short on writing time, but full on cute pictures. So, here's a little pictorial of our last few fun fall weeks! This was a family trip to the pumpkin patch.

Zach's comb over blowing in the wind...

Zach has TEETH!

Two of them, to be exact!

Anna's class Halloween party and costume parade.

One of Zach's costumes...a hot little chili pepper! And by hot, I mean he lasted two seconds in that outfit before he protested that he was hot and we had to take it off.

Anna dressed up as iCarly (a show about a girl who does a web-show), so she was Carly, inside of a laptop, doing her show. It was a hit! (And, by hit, I mean she hit and took out everything she walked near because she couldn't see anything while in the costume. Hmmm...hindsight.) But she loved it, and had fun. And it was a costume to do my Thomas heritage proud, although I did note that if my DAD had built it, it would undoubtedly have had working lights somewhere on it. Hey, I must get partial credit for using 2 full rolls of duct tape, right?

Pumpkin carving!

The bouncy seat is about to come to an end...bummer. Zach is no longer content to sit back and hang out in it. He's trying to go off the front and out the sides. Busy boy!

Hanging with Grandma at the Howarth Park Halloween parade. Snuggles!

The boys!

We saw this on a class field trip to the pumpkin patch. Anna and I decided it needed to go on Grandma's gate. (HER idea, not mine...I swear it.)

Our alternate Zach costume was Tigger! Very cute...but no points for originality (hence the Chili Pepper back-up costume).



karen said...

oh my goodness... your family is gorgeous. i want to snuggle Zach so badly. give him a kiss for me.