Man Eater
4:46 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I was listening to BOB 96.7 this afternoon in the car. Their motto is "We'll play anything" - apparently including a little old school Hall & Oats - Maneater. I wasn't paying too much attention until Anna asked, as we walked into the house, "Who IS coming anyway, and why is she going to eat a man?!" I had to think for a second to figure out what she was talking about. Funny GIRL!
We should call her the Queen of Literal. Case in point...never say to Anna, "...a few" of something. If you do, you will be drawn unwittingly into a loooong conversation about, "Did you mean two things? Or three things? So, should I take two? If I take two, that would be a few. But three would be a few too... So is it two?" By the time you finally lose it and say, "YES ANNA!" She quietly asks, "So, was that a YES for two or a YES for three?" It's a good thing she's so cute.
And for the heck of it, try explaining those Maneater lyrics to a 7 year old. Yeah....good times.
We should call her the Queen of Literal. Case in point...never say to Anna, "...a few" of something. If you do, you will be drawn unwittingly into a loooong conversation about, "Did you mean two things? Or three things? So, should I take two? If I take two, that would be a few. But three would be a few too... So is it two?" By the time you finally lose it and say, "YES ANNA!" She quietly asks, "So, was that a YES for two or a YES for three?" It's a good thing she's so cute.
And for the heck of it, try explaining those Maneater lyrics to a 7 year old. Yeah....good times.

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