Sugar High
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I just love these pictures. The title says it all. Other than the fact that they were taken at 9pm.

We were at my nephew Anthony's birthday party a few weeks ago. It was Tracy's BRILLIANT idea to do a CIRCUS - in her HOUSE! (I say that sincerely, as a mom who would love to some day plan a party as cool for Anna, and SARCASTICALLY as the girl who spent the evening with her hair and body covered in blue cotton candy). The kids had a BLAST. But pizza and games and toys and the cotton candy machine and the ice cream. Oy vey. Sugar high. As one of Anthony's dorkier, but very cute, little friends confided in me, "THIS is why you don't give kids cotton candy before bed time." Such wise, wise words from a 7 year old.
Anyway - the party rocked. Tracy gets mom of the year award. Here are a few of my fav pics. We're going up to visit this weekend and Anna is already SUPEr excited, because she loves her Aunt Tracy. Should be fun! But NO COTTON CANDY!!!!

We were at my nephew Anthony's birthday party a few weeks ago. It was Tracy's BRILLIANT idea to do a CIRCUS - in her HOUSE! (I say that sincerely, as a mom who would love to some day plan a party as cool for Anna, and SARCASTICALLY as the girl who spent the evening with her hair and body covered in blue cotton candy). The kids had a BLAST. But pizza and games and toys and the cotton candy machine and the ice cream. Oy vey. Sugar high. As one of Anthony's dorkier, but very cute, little friends confided in me, "THIS is why you don't give kids cotton candy before bed time." Such wise, wise words from a 7 year old.
Anyway - the party rocked. Tracy gets mom of the year award. Here are a few of my fav pics. We're going up to visit this weekend and Anna is already SUPEr excited, because she loves her Aunt Tracy. Should be fun! But NO COTTON CANDY!!!!