Miss me...?
1:05 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
Home again, home again. *sigh* We are so, unbelievably, incredibly, flippin' glad to be home again. Yikes. What a trip. We spent the last week in St. Louis visiting Curtis' 80 year old German grandmother (Oma) and his garndfather who just went into a nursing home this month. And, while we both absolutely love her to death...our stay was 6 1/2 days too long. When I have regained my sense of humor about the situation, I'll write more. If I were to write now, you'd all think horrible things of a lovely lady. Really, we've just run out of patience and amusement for the week. Right now we're both tired and mentally exhausted, (although very pleased with our little Angel who was an awesome traveler) - and we want sleep (in a bed that does NOT have a bar across our back, or that our feet hang of off, in the basement). It's SOOOO good to be home!!!

Bek- I love that picture... what a treasure. I am glad you are back!
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