I had a date with my love tonight. It was a "Parent's Night Out" fundraiser for Relay for Life, and Anna got to hang out at a local pre-school with all of her friends from 5pm - 9pm. We asked her what she did, and she said, "I played with Dar...my BEST FRIEND Dara." So sweet.
Well - we had made plans with "Best Friend Dara's" folks, but they rudely and inconsiderately flaked on us. (Ha ha ha - I hope you're reading this Kel. :-) Gotcha.) Anyway - Curtis and I had the whole evening to ourselves and it was great.
We went and saw Mission Impossible 3, which, despite the fact that I could not get past what an asshat Tom Cruise is in real life, was pretty decent. Then we had a quick bite to eat at Applebees and chatted about our upcoming construction endeavors. (BTW - our permit is allegedly APPROVED!!! Whoo hoo!!) It was just a nice, uneventful evening, just "us". My husband is awesome. He's kind, sexy, considerate, hard working, loyal, funny - and he loves me. What more could a girl ask for? And, with our 10 year 'dating' anniversary behind us, and our 9 year 'marriage' anniversary coming up this year - we still LIKE eachother....which can't be said for everyone these days. We're very, very blessed - and we know it.