11 Years Ago Today...
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I went on a date with a guy that I'd known for a few years. His name was Curtis. I'd always thought he was cute, but we were just friends. We shot together on the UCDavis Rifle & Pistol Team: he captained the rifle team, and I captained the pistol team. I had to go present a thank you plaque that night to the local Sportsmen's Club for sponsoring our teams. I wanted someone to go with me, because I hate public speaking, and my knight in shining armor volunteered to go and give me moral support.
We had a great time, and talked and talked. He drove me alllll the way back to my apartment before asking if I wanted to go get a beer. I said yes, and we did. I didn't confess until months later that I was terrified that I would get carded and my cover blown because he didn't know I had a fake ID, let alone know that my name was supposed to be "Monique" or something.
That night we made plans to go to the AC/DC concert together. We made a bet on what song they'd open with (I won - it was Back in Black), and ate Subway sandwiches and drank beer in the parking lot. And after that I think we had plans for dinner somewhere on another night. And after that, he invited me to his place for dinner one night because "he had some extra broccoli he had to use up". (No joke, that was his "line" and I bought it.) And after that....we were inseparable. Well - in our hearts anyway. See, we'd known each other for several years before we started dating. And we started dating just 2 months before he left to start active duty...in Missouri. So, we spent the next two years having a long distance relationship...which should never have worked. They never do, do they? But ours did. And when we were finally together again - instead of having all that awkwardness to overcome from have a relationship that had always endured separation...it was just wonderful to be together again.
And now, 11 years layer, we're still living our happily ever after.... Happy "Dating" Anniversary, Sweets. IVU!