That will teach him to talk back...
6:53 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
The house is taking its toll on our overall health here. We had another trip to the ER today. This time, it was Curtis' turn. He was using 2 wrenches to tighten a fitting and one of them slipped and he wacked himself in the eye with the wrench. It went from a nasty little cut, to a nasty cut with a lump, to a big fat purple swollen shut eye in a matter of hours. Poor baby.
At least we're keeping our sense of humor. They had to close the wound with glue in the ER. I kept muttering, “That’ll teach him to sass ME.” He threatened to confide in the ER nurse about the spousal abuse he suffers. So I asked him why he was flirting with the other girl in the waiting room. He kept WINKING at her. sounds like he’ll live. Unless he loses his voice because Anna and I keep asking him to make pirate noises.
Just after it happened....

30 minutes or so later....

An hour later....

Post ER with superglue attached.....By the way...his eye is OPEN here....
At least we're keeping our sense of humor. They had to close the wound with glue in the ER. I kept muttering, “That’ll teach him to sass ME.” He threatened to confide in the ER nurse about the spousal abuse he suffers. So I asked him why he was flirting with the other girl in the waiting room. He kept WINKING at her. sounds like he’ll live. Unless he loses his voice because Anna and I keep asking him to make pirate noises.
Just after it happened....

30 minutes or so later....

An hour later....

Post ER with superglue attached.....By the way...his eye is OPEN here....

OUCH! Poor Curtis. I hope his eye gets better soon. BTW, you guys crack me up.
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