Now the fun part...
7:27 PM Edit This 2 Comments »
DECORATING!!! Anna's room is the priority, so that we can get her moved in ASAP. So, today we picked the bed spread for her room, to match her exacting specifications. Keep in mind, I knew enough to narrow the field to things that I could work with before I showed her the choices, though. See - I'm slow, but I'm learning. So...this is what she picked.

And, it gets better. I cringed when I saw the place that sells it, because it's expensive. But I told myself it's just "one" thing and that it would be worth it to base the room from. When I went online to buy it - it was in the clearance section - 50% off! Whoo hoo!!! Score! Now there are some things that we CAN'T avoid, and some we can. So, the bed spread, at least, will be adorable. And as for the battles that I have NOT picked...Pink we come!

And, it gets better. I cringed when I saw the place that sells it, because it's expensive. But I told myself it's just "one" thing and that it would be worth it to base the room from. When I went online to buy it - it was in the clearance section - 50% off! Whoo hoo!!! Score! Now there are some things that we CAN'T avoid, and some we can. So, the bed spread, at least, will be adorable. And as for the battles that I have NOT picked...Pink we come!
Looks like Land of I right? Super cute stuff, but you're right...the price is not so cute :) I can't wait to see the finished result. Love you guys-- Sarah
I love the yellow wall in the picture. Any chance of talking her into that?
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