What cruel twist of fate gave me a child who likes bugs. Well - some bugs. Usually, she screams like a ninny when she sees one, just like mom. But occasionally, she adopts them. ???
So far we have had ladybugs that lived in a gum ball machine plastic container for two months (those suckers will outlive the roaches at the apocalypse), worms that she played with at school (and one that she tried to rescue in the driveway this morning until I involuntarily shrieked "EEWW! Don't touch that!!!"), roly polly bugs that also lived in a gumball container (not nearly as hardy as the ladybugs, FYI)...and now, we have Mothy. (Catchy name, huh?)
So, the other night, the girl who usually yells "There is a BUG in my room! Come get it Daddy!!!" when a moth flys into her night light at night, decided that the tiny moth flying around the living room before bed was cute, and hence, dubbed him Mothy. She wanted to catch him, which I veto'd. (Hey, cut me some slack, I didn't realize the relationship was 'serious'.) So, alllllllll day yesterday, we heard a sad, mopey "I miss Mothy."
Admittedly, my level of sympathy waned as the day wore on. The abridged version went something like this:
"I miss Mothy."
Awww...I know, Sweetheart. I bet we'll find him later on tonight when he wakes up.
"I miss Mothy."
I know, but there is no reason to mope about it. We'll find him later.
"I miss Mothy."
I hear ya, but at some point yo have to cheer up and move on. It's a gorgeous day!
"I miss Mothy."
Anna - drop it. Lighten up.
"I miss Mothy."
Enough. I know you miss Mothy. We will find him later. In the mean time, quit being a grump.
"I miss Mothy."
One more mopey "I miss Mothy" and one of your loveys is having a time out. DROP IT.
"I miss Mothy."
Give me Sleepy Time Bear - NOW.
I'll admit, it wasn't my finest hour (or nine hours), but hey, the girl can wear you down. :) So, she eventually let it go, stopped moping, I gave Sleepy Time Bear back at bedtime...all was well. Fast forward to shutting down the house before bed...Anna has been asleep for a few hours. Curtis and I worked until about 10 before we stopped and ate stale nachos for dinner and watched American Idol on Tivo. I shut the light off in the kitchen and something in the window caught my eye. It's a note, propped up in the window, facing outside.

It reads, "Dear Mothy, Please come back. Love, Anna. I love you."

OK, so now we both feel like schmucks. We spent the next 15 minutes searching the house for a moth to catch, so she wouldn't be disappointed in the morning. Nada. Mothy has gone into hiding.
So, this morning, Anna comes to snuggle with me in bed. She is saying that she misses Mothy, and I tell her that Daddy and I saw him flying around downstairs last night (which we did - we just didn't know we had to catch him at that point). So, I tell her that I'm sure we'll find Mothy today.
A few seconds later, she says. "Hey! I think that's Mothy!" Where, I ask? "On your nightgown!" I'll be damned if the freaking little moth wasn't sitting on the front of my shirt. (And, be proud - I didn't even scream.) He flitted right off of me and landed on her leg, and then sat there while she talked to him about 'finding her note'. Unreal. So, meet our new pet - Mothy.