Anna has a condition...
8:58 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
...I first heard of it in a sound bite that was circling the internet a few years back. This morning, she did something that made me search it out and listen again. Yup...she has "The Knack". (<----Click the link to listen to it)
So - what did she do to make me think of that? While I was getting ready this morning, she brought be a piece of paper and it sounded like she said, "I made a map!" ?????
It took my coffee-deprived brain a few seconds to process that this picture was not a MAP, but MATH. She made a page of math problems...and solved them herself...for FUN. (Yes, she makes most of her numbers backwards - we'll work on that next).

Did I mention that she's in PRESCHOOl and most of her class can't count to 10 reliably yet???!
I calmy walked into the office and told Curtis that is he ever had any doubts about her being this milkman's baby - this should clinch it. She's TOTALLY his. And I love it...both of 'em. Enginerds or not. :)
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