Always a critic...
9:08 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Anna was watching Ratatouille today (while Curtis and I may or may not have been napping with Zach to recover from our 2:30am bedtime on New Year's Eve). She really took to the idea of being a 'food critic' like the character in the movie.
Later, I made Anna lunch. We had leftovers from the party last night (taco meat, cheese, olives and chips) and I made her a special drink. We were out of apple cider from last night, so I poured apple juice and sparkling soda into a plastic champagne glass and dropped a maraschino cherry into it. *I* thought it was cute.
After she finished her lunch, I found this on the table:

You can click it to see a larger version, but it says:
"Well, the drink was not the best thing I tasted. But the lunch, well, I loved the lunch. The cherry in the [drink] was prety good to. I gess I'll tell my friends to come here. But next time I would like to be impressed with the drinks. From, Anna."
Always a critic...
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