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By an almost 4 year old. But what else is new?

Tonight, we were having steak for dinner - usually Anna's favorite. Curtis had spent quite a bit of time making a GREAT dinner. Well, as luck would have it, Anna decided that she didn't want steak. And kept saying how yucky it was. Over and over. And over. And over.

So, I told her that it really hurts people's feeling if you say unkind things about something that they worked very hard to make for you.

"Yes, but it is still yucky," she replied. *sigh*

So, I tried a little analogy. I said, "What if you spent a very long time making a pretty picture for Daddy? And after all of your hard work, you gave it to him, and he said "I don't like that." How would that make YOU feel?"

She looked at me earnestly and replied, "I would draw him a new picture of something that he LIKED instead."

Again.....we both had to work hard not to crack up. She is so darned smart. :)