Zach update...
6:40 PM Edit This 2 Comments »
Let's see...just a little update on Zach. He's almost 4 months old now. He is such a happy, content little guy! We have lots and lots of smiles around here! His little grin just lights up the room. He sometimes sleeps until 3:30am or so, and sometimes sleeps until about midnight. Either way, he usually ends up in bed with us after that to snuggle and nurse. Seeing Anna so big now, it seems like yesterday that we were doing the same schedule with her, so we're in no hurry to see this time rush by. We're enjoying it. :) Although, I do keep threatening Curtis that some night, while he's sleeping, I'm going to let Zach roll that way and 'accidentally' latch on to him, just so that he can share the experience. Truthfully, I wouldn't ever do that...only because my fragile bladder couldn't handle the assault when I tried not to piss myself laughing at what I'm SURE would be an "OH SHIT! WHAT the HELL just grabbed my nipple in vice grips and tried to rip it from my body!!!" expression on his face.

Zach can crawl, stand on his own, say words and laugh now. Well...according to Anna he can, anyway. In reality, he can scoot around on his back a little bit, definitely likes to 'stand' on my lap while I'm letting him hold onto my fingers (but collapses like one of those bead toys on no notice at all), gurgles and coos a lot, and does actually laugh. He does crunches trying to sit up on his own as well.
He has what we call IPD (infant pattern baldness) now that some of his baby hair is falling out. It's like a reverse mullet. Anna describes it as "like Uncle Carl's hair, but backwards" which means lots on top, but nothing on the sides. Because of this, I have been unable to resist the impulse to fashion it into a mohawk at times.

Otherwise, most of our days are full of napping, nursing, smiling and diapers. :) I love this's so much fun. I love watching him fall asleep, and the little grins he makes while he snoozes. I love the little milky smiles he gives me when he is supposed to be nursing, but he's just cracking up instead. I love the little sigh of relief he gives when he latches on to eat. I love the wide eyed half asleep zone he goes into when I sit him up from a nap. I love that when he smiles, his whole body squirms with glee. I love the way I can feel his body get heavier on my shoulder when he finally gives up and falls sleep. I love the 100% pissed off cry that he gives during the 2 seconds it takes me to get organized to feed him, when Curtis brings him to bed at night and lays him next to me. I love his happy little face when he wakes up smiling every morning. And I love that Anna, even though she is usually IMPOSSIBLE to wake up, will jump out of bed and come snuggle Zach at the mere whisper of 'Your brother is awake now...'. We are so, so very blessed. Life is good.

Zach can crawl, stand on his own, say words and laugh now. Well...according to Anna he can, anyway. In reality, he can scoot around on his back a little bit, definitely likes to 'stand' on my lap while I'm letting him hold onto my fingers (but collapses like one of those bead toys on no notice at all), gurgles and coos a lot, and does actually laugh. He does crunches trying to sit up on his own as well.
He has what we call IPD (infant pattern baldness) now that some of his baby hair is falling out. It's like a reverse mullet. Anna describes it as "like Uncle Carl's hair, but backwards" which means lots on top, but nothing on the sides. Because of this, I have been unable to resist the impulse to fashion it into a mohawk at times.

Otherwise, most of our days are full of napping, nursing, smiling and diapers. :) I love this's so much fun. I love watching him fall asleep, and the little grins he makes while he snoozes. I love the little milky smiles he gives me when he is supposed to be nursing, but he's just cracking up instead. I love the little sigh of relief he gives when he latches on to eat. I love the wide eyed half asleep zone he goes into when I sit him up from a nap. I love that when he smiles, his whole body squirms with glee. I love the way I can feel his body get heavier on my shoulder when he finally gives up and falls sleep. I love the 100% pissed off cry that he gives during the 2 seconds it takes me to get organized to feed him, when Curtis brings him to bed at night and lays him next to me. I love his happy little face when he wakes up smiling every morning. And I love that Anna, even though she is usually IMPOSSIBLE to wake up, will jump out of bed and come snuggle Zach at the mere whisper of 'Your brother is awake now...'. We are so, so very blessed. Life is good.

AWESOME pics, and boy... Looks a little like Daddy, huh? The 3rd pic from the bottom just screamed, "CURTIS," at me! LOL
And I love the nipple vice grip idea... Hmmm... You'd have to video tape that one, for sure... America's Funniest Home Videos, here you come! LOL
Bek - he is absolutely a doll. I love his happy faces and his smile. So so cute. Thanks for posting the new pics!
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