Sad day today...

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Anna and I drove up to Truckee today for the funeral of my uncle. Let's step mom's brother in law. We weren't especially close, but it was kind of a shocking loss. He was just 60 or so, and one of those healthy, active, always fit people. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 10 months ago. Very fast. He had grandkids Anna's age. Soooo very sad.

But, the service was nice, in that everyone that spoke really emphasized how much he wanted people to realize that you JUST SHOULDN'T WAIT. Don't wait to tell people you love them, or play with your kids, or take time to be silly, or take time to get straight with your faith. Many of the people there were wearing the yellow "Live Strong" bracelets, and they said that it reminds them not to get bogged down with the pettiness and gripes that we sometimes fill our lives with. Enjoy it.

So, tonight I gave an extra hard hug to the love of my life and our little angel. I truly DO thank God every day for each of I'm going to work on showing them that every day too.