I have the best husband.
11:47 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
I really do. And sometimes, I just want to tell everyone I know how lucky I am. He's the love of my life, and more than I ever imagined - even in my wildest dreams. Not to say that I didn't think I would end up with someone wonderful - I did. It's just that he's wonderful in ways I never even imagined. My mom used to tell me that God had someone special picked out just for me, and that somewhere he was out there waiting. And I'd roll my teenaged eyes and think, "Whatever." But she was right.
He's my very best friend. I can be silly and stupid and messy and....just myself....with him. He doesn't care if I'm cleaned up or grubby, fat or skinny, happy or pissy....I always know that he loves me. And that he's on my side. And that he'll support me in whatever is important to me. He makes me laugh. He drives me crazy. He still doesn't communicate the way I like to....but we're learning to see some advantages to each others' style and finding some middle ground. I am never bored with him. Ever.
He's kind, and decent, and responsible, and hard working. He is patient. And he is the most amazing father that our little girl could have wished for - and she knows it.
I just wanted to take time out to appreciate one of the biggest blessings that God has ever given to me....my sweetie. Maybe I'm just feeling sappy, but I don't know what my world would be like without him...and I never, ever want to find out.
Bek that is so sweet. You are lucky - but so is he ;)
I feel the same way sometimes... God really does have a plan sometimes!
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