My Daddy will be so disappointed...
8:49 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
...that I didn't think of this myself. Then again, maybe he'll be heartened by the fact that I married a man who did.
When we pulled the drywall out of the closet behind the kitchen, one corner had mold. YIKES!!!! Turned out that our ice maker (we've only had the fridge for about 2 years) had been leaking. So, my first thought was 'call someone'. Then our friend who does commercial refrigeration offered to look, but he has done SO much already, I didn't want him to have to.
So...I took it apart myself while Curtis was at work! I was so proud! I took apart the back of our fridge, found that the problem was the water valve, looked up the parts diagram, and was searching for the cheapest replacement part. Curtis got home and said, "Hey - good job!" Then when I showed him the parts I found for $60, he said, "Let's just JB Weld it and see if it works."
DAMN! Why didn't I think of that? It's "creative engineering" - but if it works, it will save $60+ and if it doesn't, we're no worse off. I married a genius. A genius who loves duct tape and epoxy, but a genius nonetheless. Sounds just like my Dad.
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