2 Month Stats for Zach
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Zach had his 2mo well check today. Anna was disappointed that it was during her school hours, so she wouldn't be there to hold his hand for his shots. She said, "But he's never had shots without me holding his hand!!!" I promised to schedule the next one when she was out of school...but then she started a fever during the night so I had to keep her home anyway. She was feeling fine though, so we all went to see Dr. Tsao! He's awesome.
Zach got a clean bill of health. He's a growing boy, already measuring 23" (up from 21" at birth, although I think the 23" measurement today was shy of his true length) and weighing 12lbs 15.4 ounces (up 4 lbs from birth). And he was a trooper for all of his shots, and his oral vacc. Good boy, as usual! Shots seem much less traumatic this time around...for me anyway. :) I don't know if I am less stressed about it because I think he'll take it in stride better, or if it's "Second Child Syndrome" (which I hate the idea of). Hmmm...food for thought.
Zach got a clean bill of health. He's a growing boy, already measuring 23" (up from 21" at birth, although I think the 23" measurement today was shy of his true length) and weighing 12lbs 15.4 ounces (up 4 lbs from birth). And he was a trooper for all of his shots, and his oral vacc. Good boy, as usual! Shots seem much less traumatic this time around...for me anyway. :) I don't know if I am less stressed about it because I think he'll take it in stride better, or if it's "Second Child Syndrome" (which I hate the idea of). Hmmm...food for thought.

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