This is plant heaven
1:33 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
And by that I mean, they come here to die, not that they are blissfully happy. I have a certain, somewhat infamous, black thumb. It is probably not THAT bad, except for the fact that my mom and mother-in-law are FABULOUS gardeners, so we pale by comparison.
Anyway - I'm better than I used to be. There are a few notable things that I have kept alive for more than a single season now, including Crepe Myrtle trees, bacopa and star jasmine. And for some reason, my cyclamen and geraniums LOVE to be abused. Despite my lack of attention, they absoloutely THRIVE. It's a mystery to all.
Earlier this winter, I planted about 50 bulbs of several varieties in one of my wine barrels on the patio. And then I brought a few inside to do in the window sill so that Anna and I could watch them. One of them cracks me up. I think he's trying to commit plant suicide by diving out of the pot. Normally plants grow TOWARD the sun. This one is growing AWAY from it, and diving straight out of the pot. It's not even that the bulb is tipped over - it's actually straight in the ground and then out at a 90 degree angle from there. Weirdo. That's what he gets for coming to Plant Heaven.
I am right there with you with 'plant heaven'. I don't even keep plants here. Between me and the cats, they never make it.
Sorry about your doggie. He is haveing a rough go at it. I hope he is doing better now.
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