Can I call in sick?

10:55 PM Edit This 3 Comments »
WARNING: The following contains blatant whining and self pity. Proceed at your own risk.

Do stay at home mom's get sick days? I mean, if I'm really sick, either Curtis will stay home, or my mom will come over to help me out, and I am so blessed to have such support. But, seriously, that's not the same as a REAL sick day. Sick days before we had kids were way better. (Not that I'd ever trade my Boo for all the sick days in the world....I'm just having a pity party.) You know, the kind where you wake up and leave a message for your boss saying, "Ain't happenin' today - I'm on my death bed." You fall back asleep in bed until about 11am. Then wake up and drag yourself to the kitchen to make some peanut butter toast, which you eat while dozing, bundled up on the couch, watching horrible Jerry Springer re-runs. (Horrible Jerry Springer shows? As opposed to good Jerry Springer shows? Right - no such animal. Sorry - it's the Nquil talking.) Then you doze on and off all afternoon catching part of Oprah and the last half of Wheel of Fortune.

I want a sick day. Instead, I'll probably spend tomorrow making Nemo waffles for Anna, watching the Winnie the Pooh Heffalump movie for the zillionth time while snuggled on the couch with my Boo-bear. Awwww...nevermind. It doesn't get any better than that (well, unless Curtis were home to snuggle with us, that is).


Heather said...

I hear ya, Bek. I hope you're feeling better soon! Enjoy the snuggle time. :)

Karen said...

I'm so sorry Rebekah. I hope you feel better soon. I hope Anna goes easy on you and let's you watch movies and snuggle her all day!

JL said...

Get better fast Bek - I totally understand. I have felt the same way - Stay at home mom's do not ever get sick days!