The Folgers Challenge
11:46 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
We've secretly replaced Anna's ORIGINAL Sleepy-time Care Bear (who has become FILTHY after so much sleepy-time snuggling) with a newly purchased IMPOSTER Sleepy-time Care Bear (who is sparkly clean and sweet smelling). Let's listen in....
Mommy & Daddy: (Tucking Anna into bed...crossing fingers). Good night. Here's Sleepy-time Bear. We love you.
(Mommy gently places STB against Anna's back, where she always reaches her arm back to rub his heart shaped nose while she falls asleep.)
Anna: Good night, I love you. (Mumbled around her thumb, already relaxing into bed. Eyes drift shut. Mommy & Daddy make a break for the door.)
Then, Anna reaches back to find STB's heart, her hand gropes around on him for a minute, then she grabs his arm and whips him around to face her. Holding him out in front of him with both hands, she examines him....looks suspiciously at Mommy & Daddy....then looks back at him, weighing her options. Sleep wins out, as she snuggles him close and goes to sleep. (It is at this point that Mommy & Daddy resume respirations.)
I think she just wanted to make her point that we didn't fool her - but she never complained. I was too scared to thrown him in the wash, because if he wasn't OK, or he didn't dry in time, we'd have had a ROUGH time. As it is, STB Original washed up just fine, and now we have an emergency spare. Such a bright little girl....good thing she cuts us some slack now and then.
man she is a smartie! you will have your hands full lady! ;)
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