Funny Anna-isims for today...

8:45 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Our little angel cracks me up. Here's a few gems from today:

As we snuggle while waking up...
ME: Did you know that snuggling you in the morning is the most favorite part of my day?
ANNA: Yes. My most favorite part of my day is seeing Daddy. (I love that!)

When Daddy gets home....
CURTIS: So, how was your day Anna?
ANNA: My day was great, Daddy. So, how was your day?
....then, 15 minutes later as we sit on the couch together....
CURTIS: So, how was your day Anna?
ANNA: No, Daddy. I already told you how my day was. I'm not telling you again.
GREAT! She's learning her communication skills from her father. "Why are we talking about this? Didn't we already discuss this once?"

Talking to Oma on the phone (we keep trying to prompt her to speak German to Oma)...
ME: (Whispering) Tell Oma "Ich Liebe Dich" (German for I love you).
ANNA: I love you in German, Oma. I love Grandpa in German too.


JL said...

I love hearing what anna says I seriously do LOL