So far, so good.

11:48 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
My new leaf turning is going well so far.

- I have 2 full days of journaling and eating well under my belt (that's BIG for me lately).
- I went for a really long walk with my friend next door today. Good exercise.
- I'm making a steady dent in the laundry, picking up the house, doing dishes and checking things off of my to do list left and right.
- I'm praying. Not as much as I want to be or should be....but trying to keep God first in my mind and heart.

Part of me is a little scared/pessimistic. I feel like I'm feeling good and doing good - but want to keep it up. And I know in the past I get sidetracked and drop one of my balls (so to speak) - and I don't want to this time. Can people really change? I hope so - I'm TRYING HARD!!! Wish me luck!


JL said...

Oh yeah you CAN do it!! for sure!
I know it... you are so awesome... have I told you that lately?