1 kid. 2 kids. 3 kids. - AHHH!!!!!
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Yesterday, one of my closest friends had to work so we got to hang out with her two kids (Anna's bestestest friends) for most of the day. It actually went really well. I wasn't worried, because I know them well, and they all have a blast together. But I have to admit - 3 kids is *WAY* different than one. I think it was the general level of chatter that I noticed most. I totally different decibel level than Anna on her own! hahaha
But, I am quite pleased with myself, because not only did we play, and do a craft project and eat good healthy meals. I also.... Are you ready for this? Prepare to be amazed. I also.... got all THREE kids down for naps at the same time. Feel free to bow or throw money if you're impressed. I was. I know it would never happen again - but I'll take what I can get.
Here are some pics from our fun day. I think everyone had a blast!

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