Chopped liver?

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Curtis had to go away on a business trip to NY. Last night, he was explaining to Anna that he'd be gone for just a little bit, and then he'd come home again because he'd miss us so much. Anna's response to this conversation wen something like this....

Curtis: I'll come back REALLY soon, because I'll miss you both so much.

Anna: (Looking worried)Is Mommy going to go with you on your work trip too?!

Curtis: No, Mommy is going to stay right here with you, Sweetheart!

Anna: (Looking relieved) Oh, good. I'm glad Mommy is going to stay here with me.
( sweet is she!?!?!)

Anna: Because if Mommy went with you on your work trip, no one would be here to turn on a show for me.
(So much for sweet!)

Bek: Is that all Mommy is good for? Turning on a show?

Anna: (Cradling my face in her hands) YES Mommy! That's all!

Curtis advised me not to ask questions that I don't want to know the answer too! Wise words!


Karen said...

ha ha ha ha ha... OMG that is funny. But sweet too that she cradled your face when letting you know.

Heather said...

Haaa! Too funny. :)