Drum roll please...

11:23 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
It's D-Day. (Or, maybe "P" day - for "Plan Submission. Or "P" for, I'm so nervous I'm going to pee my pants. Hell, who am I kidding. After Anna, it doesn't take a hell of a lot for me to pee my pants. Anyway....I digress.)

Tomorrow, I am going to the city to submit our plans for review to get our building permit. I'm soooo skeered! Argh. Maybe it's because Curtis and I are both anal, perfectionists - but we still see lots of little things on the plans that need correcting. But, after so many drafts, and so many delays, we're going ahead with what we have. We know they will have some revisions anyway - so hopefully, this will get us started. Keep your fingers crossed for us! This is SO nerve wracking!