
11:18 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
*** Be warned, this blog note is probably a total downer. ***

I have a friend who's husband was just diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer. He's young - maybe mid-30s. They have 2 young children, one younger than Anna. It just makes me so incredibly sad. I don't doubt that God has a plan in each of our lives, and I don't pretend to understand what it is all the mine or anyone else's. But I have faith that He has our ultimate good in mind. I just feel so sad.

I keep thinking about all of the effort that my brother-in-law John, who is in Iraq on tour #2, went through to prepare to leave mementos of himself for their daughter to see and have while he was gone for a year. She was only a few days old when he left. And that is seemed so unbearable to think of them being apart for a WHOLE year, and how hard it must have been to plan his departure. And then I think of my friend and think, 'How do you do that for your child's whole lifetime?'

I've been thinking of them constantly, and praying that God will somehow give them peace and strength. They're going to need it.

So, tonight - even more than most nights, I am feeling undeservedly blessed with my health, my husband, our daughter, my family who loves and supports us, and the wonderful friends that we have.


JL said...

Bek, thanks for the great perspective on life. I will pray for them too!