6:14 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
My poor baby. He got that big abcess, and it turns out that we had to do surgery to remove the dead skin that wouldn't heal (which turned out to be a fist sized chunk of flesh). Since he was down for that, and mastiffs are really hard to anesthetize because of their size, we decided to cut out the rest of the little cysts, so that he wouldn't have to go through this again. Long story short, he looks like Frankenstein dog. He's such a trooper. I got to stay with him and watch the whole surgery, and recover him myself, so that was great. Our vet, Dr. Hoskins, is AWESOME, and an amazing clinician.
Anyway - everybody send a big slobbery hug and a kiss for my poor baby. He's doing much better now, but he just looks so pathetic.

Anyway - everybody send a big slobbery hug and a kiss for my poor baby. He's doing much better now, but he just looks so pathetic.

Aww! Poor baby. :(
Now how on earth do you get to stay there while he's in surgery? You must have a stomach of steel, Bek.
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