The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
10:45 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
No. Seriously. Well, if you count the ceiling in the hallway as "sky", it is. That's what we came home to yesterday (there was actually a big stick propping up the remainder when this pic was taken). The drywall portion of the hallway ceiling had collapsed while we were out. When we removed the other portions of walls around it, I guess there wasn't much left to support it anymore. It wouldn't have been THAT messy, except for that DAMNED blown in loose insulation up there. It was a freakin' mess. Everywhere. Again. *sigh* Thank heavens for the shop vac.
Our mantra....
This will all be worth it.
We're having fun.
We DO still have our sense of humor.
This will all be worth it.
We're having fun.
We DO still have our sense of humor.
This will all be worth it.
We're having fun.
We DO still have our sense of humor.
[Funny note. Spellcheck suggested "foreskin" as a replacement for "freakin'" above. I don't know why, but I find that very funny, in a grade school sort of way. ]
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