A little remodeling quiz...
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We found that we have to tear out the two concrete steps, to get to the siding and the floor joist that has some rot in it BEHIND the step. When it's out, we'll replace it with wood 'deck type' steps (the deck is WAY down the line), so it doesn't have to be pretty, and we only need the TOP step gone.

We've only gotten HALF of the step off so far. So, how long do you think this little piece of demolition took, with Curtis and I both working on it, using sledge hammers, pavement breakers, concrete saws and jack hammers?
A. 6 seconds
B. 6 hours
C. 6 days
D. 6 weeks
E. 6 years
The answer is B. However, it only took us A to realize that this was going to take about E to complete. So far, it's going to take our backs and arms D to be able to move without screaming out in pain and be functional again, but we only have C to finish the project. CALGON - TAKE ME AWAY!!!

We've only gotten HALF of the step off so far. So, how long do you think this little piece of demolition took, with Curtis and I both working on it, using sledge hammers, pavement breakers, concrete saws and jack hammers?
A. 6 seconds
B. 6 hours
C. 6 days
D. 6 weeks
E. 6 years
The answer is B. However, it only took us A to realize that this was going to take about E to complete. So far, it's going to take our backs and arms D to be able to move without screaming out in pain and be functional again, but we only have C to finish the project. CALGON - TAKE ME AWAY!!!
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